
Dental Implants-Crown-Veneers - Atlanta, GA


"A Fall Down the Stairs Damaged My Teeth, But a Dental Implant Returned My Smile"

I had been a patient of Dr. Vanstrom for a few years and then I had an unfortunate fall down our basement stairs.

I loved him before. I love him so much more now. He gave me my smile back.

Georgia Dental Implants - Artistic Dentistry

Dr. Vanstrom:

Chandra fell, had a big fall, and really racked up some problems with her front teeth. Her mother immediately referred her to me, which was very flattering. I was really happy to step in and help we had to restore Chandra’s smile.


I knocked out one tooth and damaged my front tooth.

Dr. Vanstrom:

We went ahead and we mixed in a couple of crowns with veneers and we had to extract a tooth. I had to guide that tissue back to health to place an implant properly and maintain her smile with an implant and a crown on that implant, and that’s what we ended up doing for Chandra. It turned out beautiful. I’m so proud of what we could do for her.


I loved him before. I love him so much more now. He gave me my smile back.

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