TMD—Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction is more commonly referred to as “TMJ”, as a more generic layman’s term.
No matter what you call it, TMD can become painful. Over time, left unchecked, it can limit your ability to chew food. It can be noisy—as your jaw may pop loudly, make clicking sounds or, in advancing cases, make grinding noises.
You may develop the inability to yawn without noise or pain. You may not be able to open wide for a big bite of that delicious cheeseburger without a loud pop, click, grinding noise or worse, TMJ PAIN.
As is the case with many health issues in life, the early symptoms of a developing TMJ disorder are mild. Symptoms like headaches may come and go and may be just enough of an inconvenience for us to simply ignore them.
At Artistic Dentistry of Atlanta, we strongly encourage you NOT to IGNORE these early signs and symptoms. Proper early intervention with orthopedic bite-balancing devices, commonly known as “bite guards”, can help stabilize your jaw joint. At Artistic Dentistry of Atlanta, we utilize the Tanner Appliance. It allows us to create an “ideal bite” for you while you wear the bite-balancing appliance. This device can allow chewing muscles to relax and reduce the strain on your jaw joints.
A final goal in TMD therapy is a balanced, or equilibrated bite, accomplished with biteequilibration. Equilibration may be accomplished at the end of your Tanner Appliance therapy. Dr. Refai or Dr. Vanstromcan simply reduce high spots, or interferences.
Many times, our bite equilibrations are sufficient to help our patients manage and control the erosive nature of TMD. Some patients might require further treatment such as orthodontic, surgical or specialty TMJ therapies for better results.
Finally, let me bring us back full circle: Early preventative action is the key to maintaining healthy, happy jaw joints and chewing muscles. Please let us know if you are having any of the early signs of TMD that we discussed such as mild popping, clicking of the joint, chewing muscle soreness and stiffness, limited opening or side movement capabilities, headaches or joint pain.
Remember to call us. Prevention is the best medicine of all!
Peter V. Vanstrom, DDS, FAGD,FPFA, PC