For Oral Health Month, Consider Improving Your Health With Dental Implants!
Dealing with missing or damaged teeth can surely be disappointing and even affect tooth function and quality of life. This issue can also negatively impact your smile, and even self-confidence, which is certainly no fun. Fortunately, a dentist can assist you in solving this issue and get a new smile on that lovely face in […]
Making the Most of Your Dental Implants!
If you are experiencing tooth loss or decay, you might be interested in learning about options to remedy this issue. If so, a dentist may suggest placing dental implants in Atlanta, GA. Dental implants are a great way to get a new beautiful smile, and there are several options that offer this result in a […]
For National False Teeth Day, Get Yourself Dental Implants Instead!
There are many different reasons why tooth loss in Atlanta, GA can occur for dental patients – including advanced gum disease and trauma. Believe it or not, if you suffer from tooth loss you’re not alone. With over 178 million affected, tooth loss is extremely common among U.S. adults. But What Are Your Options? While […]