
No Metal Crowns - Atlanta, GA

Why Choose a
Metal-Free Crown

"I've Gotten Used to Smiling Again After Bridge-work and Crowns"

Crowns and Bridges Make Your Smile Whole Again

At Artistic Dentistry of Atlanta we always take a very conservative approach when treating teeth. We strive to conserve tooth structure any time that we can. If a simple tooth colored filling will last a long time then we will do a tooth bonding. If a filling won’t last we will complete a dental inlay or dental onlay and conserve tooth structure. On front teeth, we might save tooth structure by simply doing a tooth whitening and tooth reshaping. Or we may do a dental veneer or a more conservative prepless veneer if we are certain that those cosmetic restorations will last. When a full coverage crown is required for your smile makeover, we utilize modern technology and our in-house dental lab, Artisan Labs, to create the most beautiful cosmetic crowns for you. All porcelain crowns, crowns with porcelain shoulders or Empress Crowns and E-max Crowns are the no metal crowns of choice in our office. A question that we often here is “Why do I need a crown after a root canal?” After a root canal, tooth becomes brittle and will break if it is not covered with a cosmetic crown.

At Artistic Dentistry of Atlanta our dentist and dental team are skilled in these restorative treatments and have the artistic eye to provide aesthetically attractive outcomes, as well as returning function to your tooth.

CEREC Chairside Solutions. One visit dentistry.

CEREC is the unique CAD/CAM system for patient individual all-ceramic restorations in one single appointment. Together with CEREC we come quickly and safely to the desired results for our patients: aesthetic restorations. A further important objective is also achieved, the creation of value:

That means no second shots for numbing.

To meet the individual needs of every single patient we have expanded our product range to include an intra-oral camera to record a virtual dental impression of your teeth. And we have an in-office, three-dimensional milling unit that creates your crown, inlay or onlay while you relax.

It’ all new three dimensional dentistry. While you relax we utilize the most advanced software to virtually create your new CROWN, INLAY or ONLAY. In less than the time it takes to clear your emails.

We mill your crown in the office, finish, glaze and cement your inlay, onlay or crown. You don’t have to make a second trip, have a second shot, or wear a temporary crown.

Save your smile.

See how we can help you keep your teeth.

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