Have you been skipping dental appointments? Maybe you noticing symptoms like bleeding gums, stained teeth, bad breath, or loose teeth? If you’re looking to uphold your dental wellness, we recommend you contact our dental team in Atlanta, GA for teeth cleaning near you. Preventive dental care involves routine visits where an oral examination, x-rays, oral screenings, and teeth cleaning are completed. Routine teeth cleanings in Atlanta, GA can catch early signs of infection and decay that you may overlook during your at-home routines. Overall, the goal of these appointments is to ensure you have a functional smile and in turn, maintain a beautiful and healthy smile for life.
Your teeth cleaning appointment at Artistic Dentistry will take about an hour. Patients generally do not experience pain or discomfort during their visit; however, we do offer sedation solutions to put those with dental anxiety at ease. If you have generally good oral health, we recommend you visit our office in Atlanta, GA for teeth cleanings every six months. However, if you have been treated for gum disease, it’s important that you schedule appointments every 3-4 months for a dental deep cleaning. In general, you can expect your visit to follow these steps:
During the first phase of your appointment, we encourage you to discuss dental issues or tooth pain you may be experiencing as well as any interest you have in improving the cosmetic appearance of your teeth. We’ll be able to address these issues or smile goals during your appointment or may need to schedule a future visit to complete the recommended procedures.
You’ll receive an oral exam where we will check for signs of gum disease and tooth decay. This includes examining the pocket depth of your gums and looking for dark spots on the teeth or areas of tartar buildup. We’ll also perform an oral cancer screening by evaluating the color and texture of your oral tissues. If you are due for x-rays, we will take them at this time and our dentist will carefully examine any suspicious areas in your mouth found on these images.
Your dental hygienist will use special tools to remove the plaque and tartar on and between your teeth and along your gumline. Our titanium ultrasonic device can quickly remove plaque without uncomfortable scraping. Even if you brush and floss your teeth regularly, tartar can still build up on your teeth and can only be removed with a professional teeth cleaning.
Using a handheld electric toothbrush, our hygienist will then polish your teeth with a gritty prophylaxis paste. This process helps gently scrub your teeth clean and remove any stains and leftover tartar. The paste we use comes in multiple flavors, including mint, which is similar in taste to regular toothpaste. Once your teeth are clean, our hygienist will gently floss your teeth.
We hope that with each visit to our dental practice in Atlanta, GA we get to know you a little bit better.
It might be easy to overlook your dental cleaning every six months, but the benefits affect more than your smile. Your oral health is considered a window to your overall health. Problems like tooth decay, missing teeth, and gum disease can all lead to more serious problems if not addressed at a routine appointment. Similarly, regular visits to our dentist in Atlanta, GA ensure that potential issues are treated quickly or prevented altogether. No matter how long it has been since your last teeth cleaning, or what shape your smile is in, we welcome you to our office to experience our comprehensive and affordable dental care.
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Thank you for requesting an appointment at Artistic Dentistry of Atlanta! We will respond to your message within 24 hours. If this is an emergency dental situation, please call (404) 738-8935